POTI – Personal Objects as Tangible Interfaces
Personal Objects as Tangible Interfaces (POTI) is a technology that aims to convert everyday objects and actions into interfaces in the digital world.
At the heart of POTI technology are small electronic tags consisting of motion, sound and light sensors that, when integrated into everyday objects, are capable of recognizing the gestures the user engages in interacting with them on a daily basis. The user from a simple smartphone application can configure labels, via WIFI.
The objective of this project is to develop and evaluate a MVP (Minimum Valuable Product) consisting of two electronic tags and an application, mobile in which the user personalizes the use scenario.
March 2017 – March 2018
Project Grant: Private – Altice Labs
Funding Value: 20000€
Mário Vairinhos (IR), Óscar Mealha (Co-IR), José Nunes e Patrícia Oliveira