To discover, sustainably develop and implement mechanisms for interaction and networking via case-to-storytelling movies. The goal in project EntreAction – Storytelling from entrepreneurial processes is to discover, sustainably develop and implement mechanisms for interaction and networking between entrepreneurs, students and teachers via case-to-storytelling movies. It focusses on synergy in educational and practical fields by involving parties to create, exchange, find new perspectives in real and digital world. 35 teachers and specialists from 6 countries will unite with entrepreneurs for educating and inspiring. At least 120 users will join us during the dissemination process. The project is divided into 5 WPs, which include: collecting stories from businesses; 2 trainings of teachers; production of 15 movies with educational content; conducting a summer school; implementing video storytelling in 21 curricula at 6 universities for BSc, MSc and PhD studies courses, internal and international dissemination; developing a methodological guide to be used by teachers and creating a Digital Library. There will be 7 direct meetings and at least 20 virtual. Main project results are: (1) Digital Library with video storytelling and examples that inspire young entrepreneurs. (2) Wide implementation of video format in the curricula (at least 30 students participating in the summer school, at least 180 students involved in piloting at Partner’s universities, at least 500 involved at other universities within 3 years after the project). (4) Methodological guide for transforming case studies into video storytelling. (5) Active university-business partnerships.
DeCA, University of Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal