Márcia Andrea dos Santos

Visiting Researcher


Márcia Andrea dos Santos, PhD in Applied Linguistics, UNICAMP -SP, professor at the Federal Technological University of Paraná.
She has worked for 12 years in the area of Communication in Radiojournalism, and currently teaches in the area of Letters as an Associate Professor, teaching the subjects of Discourse Analysis, Language Research, Discourse Genres and the subjects of Language, Education and Work and Language Education for Multiculturalism, in the Master’s Degree in Letters. She is a researcher in the area of Discourse Analysis and Cultural Studies, currently carrying out research
into disinformation and its relations, the production/constitution of discourse and manipulation through language, with a special focus on the production/constitution of discourse on social networks. She also conducts research focusing on representations – theoretically supported by Cultural Studies – of social minorities in Brazil, the constitution of identities through language, intolerant discourses, racist discourses, homophobic discourses and anti-democratic discourses.

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