Media Innovation Circle #8 and the topic There is a future for TV

The Media Innovation Circle#8 took place on January 28 with a talk by Guido Lemos, Federal University of Paraíba – UFPB (Brazil)  followed by a participated discussion on the topic “There is a future for TV”, moderated by Jorge Ferraz de Abreu (DigiMedia/UA).

The video is already available on DigiMedia YouTube channel. Watch HERE. We invite you to subscribe the channel.

Guido Lemos is full Professor in the Department of Computer Systems at the Informatic Center at the Federal University of Paraíba (DI-CI-UFPB) holds a Ph.D. in Informatics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO). Coordinates LAVID (Center for Research and Extension in Digital Video Applications), where he researches the following topics: digital television, digital cinema, distributed multimedia applications, video distribution networks, distributed artistic performances, accessibility, telehealth, and blockchain applications. Worked on developing the Ginga middleware, published as ITU-T and ITU-R Recommendations, and adopted as a standard in the Brazilian Digital Television System and in several countries in Latin America, whose implementation runs on about 100 million TV devices. He drove the expansion of UFPB, foreseeing the increase from 20 to 45 thousand in undergraduate and graduate students. He also serves as a member of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Digital Television System Forum and a guest of Ancine’s Technical Accessibility Chamber.


With recent changes in the way media is distributed, delivered today anywhere, anytime, on any device; is there still room for television systems with live content distribution from one to millions? What was the value of a mass communication system like TV in the past? Will this value be preserved in the future with communication systems promising to offer 10 Gbps transmission rate, density of 1 million devices per Km2, 1 mS delays with support for differentiated service and broadcast? How is the television business reacting to survive? These and other questions will be the subject of this talk.

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