Global Game Jam 2023, more than 20 participantes and 6 new games

A local Global Game Jam® (GGJ) event took place at the Departament of Communication and Art/University of Aveiro from the 3rd to the 5th of February 2023. Laptops, auxiliary monitors, wireless network, sleeping bags, snacks, fruit, tea and lots of coffee are some of the essentials for the game creation marathon.


More than 20 participants coming from all over the country developed 6 games in 48 hours.


Several DigiMedia members and PhD Students were involved in the event: Mário Vairinhos, Mónica Aresta, Silvino Martins, Tânia Ribeiro, José Nunes, Pedro Reisinho and Cátia Silva. The Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Jogos Digitais supported the event.


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