Lucía Ballesteros-Aguayo, Professor in the Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Department of the University of Seville (Spain), will be developing her research in DigiMedia together with Professor Vania Baldi within the Cyberculture research group for three months (01/10/20 – 30/12/20).
During her research stay, she will be focusing on the post-truth in times of pandemic, addressing latent issues in today’s digital society such as fake news, information manipulation, hoaxes or misinformation, and providing alternatives and detection mechanisms in relation to the so-called “alternative truths”. All of them, issues that concern public opinion and that are of great interest to supranational institutions such as the EU (see the Grupo de Trabajo East Stratcom, the Action Plan against Disinformation or the High Level Group (HLEG) on fake news and online disinformation).
Short cv
Lucía Ballesteros-Aguayo
ORCID: 0000-0003-1191-4070
ResearcherID: P-6288-2014
Author Scopus Id: 57211473463
Google Scholar: wcxyZPUAAAAJ
Lucía Ballesteros-Aguayo is PhD in Journalism with a doctoral dissertation about Francoist press that obtained the maximum score, Outstanding Cum Laude. She is currently professor of Universidad de Sevilla and collaborates in research tasks with different international entities such as the National Documentation Institute, Innovation and Research on Education of Florence or the Institute for the history of Catholic Action of Rome. She has performed several research stays abroad and has a wide scientific production about press in totalitarian governments and their social impart, with special interest on fascisms between wars, where we can highlight “La guerra civil española contada por el fascismo italiano: el caso del periódico infantil de Mussolini, Il Balilla” in Ámbitos and “Los periódicos falangistas para la juventud de la posguerra” in Spagna Contemporanea.
Recent research
(2020): Traitors of the Homeland: The stigmatization of reds in falangist discourse. In Juan Rey (Ed.) Men on the Screen. Re-visions of Masculinity in Spanish Cinema (1939-2019) (pp. 31-40), Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-1-4331-6359-3
(2019): Movimientos populistas en Europa: la actualización del discurso totalitario en los medios de comunicación actuales y su repercusión en la opinión pública. Egregius, 2019. ISBN 978-84-17270-66-7
(2019): Alrededor de la comunicación digital, la ética periodística y el problema del género. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network: Revista de Estudios Internacionales, Vol. 4, Nº. 7 (enero-junio), pp.37-38, ISSN-e 2444-9792
(2019): Entre la Comunicación y la Filosofía. Ámbitos: Revista internacional de comunicación, Nº. 45, pp. 8-11, ISSN-e 1139-1979,
(2019): Comunicación digital: retos y oportunidades. Egregius, pp. 9-11, ISBN 978-84-17270-85-8