Francisco Regalado, a DigiMedia PhD Student, was the moderator of the session “Technology in the home of the elderly person” at the 2nd Meeting of Public Policies in the area of Aging, promoted by the Municipality of Ílhavo – as some measures, policies and solutions were discussed to bring the New Technologies to senior citizens, including digital games.
The 8 participants of the session “Technology in the home of the elderly person” were dedicated to thinking and delivering solutions that promote active and healthy aging and Francisco Regalado presented in the main auditorium some of the main results that came from this discussion. Among them, it should be noted that, despite the enormous barriers to use – which were amplified by the pandemics – there are some solutions to consider, such as (i) the creation of communication strategies that improve the understanding of the purpose of technological products; (ii) the creation of an intergenerational link in applications between seniors, families, and technicians; and (iii) the use of a graphic design adapted to the needs – eg. use of emojis or symbols to communicate actions.
Finally, one of the major problems across all sectors was highlighted: the lack of funding, which limits the development of projects and the access to technological products.
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