DigiMedia member coordinates the new television series "UAU! – Ciência sem Limites" broadcasted by RTP3

Coordinated by Pedro Almeida (DigiMedia Member) and directed by Nuno Barbosa, both professors from the Department of Communication and Art (DeCA), the UAU! team brings together professors, students, fellows, technicians from DeCA and professionals from UA’s Communication, Image and Public Relations Services.

“UAU! – Ciência sem Limites” is a television series entirely made at the University of Aveiro (UA). Science, thought and produced at the University of Aveiro and beyond, and how it can help to make possible the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, a challenge launched to the world by the UN, is the great motto of the program. The series is organized into 15 episodes of approximately 15 minutes each dealing with research in areas such as smart cities, oceans, circular economy, health, renewable energy, education of the future, industry and innovation among many other topics. Running weekly on RTP3, the first UAU! episode was broadcasted on Wednesday, November 24th at 5:40 p.m.

The trailer can be seen HERE.

More information available HERE.

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