DigiMedia Coordinator participates in session on journalism and digital media

Under the theme “Pensar o Jornalismo com os Jornalistas. A digitalização dos media”, the University of Aveiro (UA) hosted a meeting on April 14 organized by the Comissão Carteira Profissional de Jornalista (CCPJ), with the support of the Academy of Aveiro, the Aveiro Media Competence Center and Rádio Terranova.

During the session, the issues that currently arise around the “Journalism we have and what Journalism we want” were discussed, as well as the dialogue, reflection and sharing of ideas around current journalism. The role of journalists in contributing to the construction of bases with the purpose of suggesting changes in terms of legislation, behavior and commitment to journalistic activity was also a topic.

Besides the presentation from the Comissão Carteira Profissional de Jornalista (CCPJ), there was a Round Table on the topic on the media turning digital with several guest speakers:

. Dr. João Morais Palmeiro, Director  of Aveiro Media Competence Center

. Prof. Nelson Zagalo, Coordinator of DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction Research Centre of the University of Aveiro,

. Dr. Licínia Girão, Member of Comissão Carteira Profissional de Jornalista (CCPJ),

. Moderation: Carlos Teixeira, Rádio Terranova

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