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Sofia Ribeiro, a DigiMedia PhD student, delivered a fifty-hour accredited training course for 3rd Cycle and Secondary school teachers, as part of her doctoral research. The course entitled “Dig2Phy: Capacitação digital docente através da criação de recursos educativos tangíveis” was promoted by the Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas dos Concelhos de Aveiro e Albergaria-a-Velha (CFAECAAV), between the 9th October 2024 and the 15th January 2025. Teachers from schools in Aveiro, Murtosa e Oliveira Oliveira do Bairro attended the training.

The teacher training aimed to improve the digital competencies of teachers, namely training on how to plan, implement and share educational resources using the Dig2Phy platform (, multimedia copyright licenses, cybersecurity and the promotion of phygital pedagogical approaches in the teachers’ classrooms.

Sofia Ribeiro’s doctoral research is supervised by Professors Pedro Beça and Mónica Aresta (DigiMedia members), who also contributed to the preparation of this training course.

The DigiMedia PhD students, Maria Ferreira and Sara Martins, organized a workshop on the Tableu software.
Over 2h30m, they showed and solved a practical exercise in which they demonstrated the main functions of Tableau prep, for cleaning and preparing data. Once the first step was completed, they opened the flow in Tableu Desktop to create the graphic vizualisation.
There was also time to present some of the work they have been doing in Tableu Public on Science communication.

The Project Back2Basics has launched two new resources in the RIA collection: the SECURITY: a cybersecurity handbook and the Guide: Online Communication and Netiquette. These publications are practical guides, written in accessible language, which are now available in English, but will soon be published in other languages (Portuguese, Spanish and Greek).

Rita Santos and Mónica Aresta, DigiMedia researchers, are part of the Back2Basics coordination team for these resources.

The Project has also other resources available in their webpage, such as videos, infographics and teaching and training resources).

Sofia Ribeiro, a DigiMedia PhD student, is promoting, in collaboration with the Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas dos Concelhos de Aveiro e Albergaria-a-Velha (CFAECAAV), a fifty-hour accredited training course for 3rd cycle and secondary school teachers, as part of her doctoral research entitled “Teachers’ digital development model: Digital platform to create tangible educational resources”. The teacher training aims to improve teachers’ digital competencies, while creating educational resources for specific school subjects.

The training will start on the 9th of October and will take place at 40.1.8 (Department of Communication and Arts) and SALT – Space for Active Learning and Teaching (Department of Education and Psychology). The course has been accredited by the Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua of the University of Minho.

To register, please click here:, after logging into the user’s account. The registration deadline is the 8th of October.

The DigiMedia PhD student, Anabela Brandão, took part in the X Viseu Educa Forum to present the results of a literature review carried out as part of the thesis project “Adoption of tools with artificial intelligence in education: a study of the impact on teachers and students”, of her doctorate in Multimedia in Education. Anabela presented in the panel “AI at the service of learning”, in this Forum organized by the Viseu City Council and the Training Center of the Viseu Schools Association.

This presentation addressed the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in an educational context, which raises multiple questions for primary and secondary school teachers. Teachers should understand AI, reflect on the ethical issues raised by these tools in an educational context and find appropriate strategies that allow them to use these tools in a way that is not only ethical and safe, but also, with pedagogical value for teaching and learning processes. Anabela Brandão hopes to have contributed to the reflections of the audience.

The workshop “Assistive Technologies for Inclusion” took place on June, 6. This was the fourth session of the Peer2Peer initiative organized by the NEDD.

The session was led by three DigiMedia researchers: Francisca Rocha Lourenço, a PhD student, and the researchers Rita Oliveira and Oksana Tymoshchuk. 

During the workshop, various assistive technologies for different types of disabilities were discussed, highlighting innovative solutions that make life easier for people with physical, sensory and cognitive limitations. The researchers shared detailed information on how these technologies can be integrated into different contexts to promote inclusion and accessibility.

The workshop provided a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences, enriching participants’ knowledge of the possibilities and challenges of technologies to support inclusion. The researchers emphasized the importance of continuous innovation and collaboration in the field to ensure that everyone can benefit from technological advances.

The third Peer2Peer session, organized by NEDD – Núcleo de Estudantes de Doutoramento do DigiMedia, is coming up: a workshop with Jennifer Rocha on Zotero – an open-source software that helps we manage our references, useful for researchers. The session is on 8th February at 2.30pm, in a hybrid format (meeting room of building 21).

To watch it online, you can access it at:

Registration is required:

Terá lugar no próximo dia 4 de dezembro, às 15h, na sala de reuniões do edifício 21, uma sessão sobre Mobilidade Internacional no PhD: Erasmus+ e Doutoramento Europeu. Organizada pelo NEDD – Núcleo de Estudantes de Doutoramento do DigiMedia, esta é mais uma sessão da iniciativa Peer2Peer que pretende esclarecer os alunos de doutoramento sobre a realização de uma parte do seu PhD no estrangeiro e as suas vantagens para a carreira académica.

A sessão será gratuita, em formato híbrido, mas exige inscrição através deste formulário:

Para assistir online, deverá aceder através deste link:

A workshop of Introduction to Statistics and SPSS organized by NEDD (Núcleo de Estudantes de Doutoramento do DigiMedia) was held in a hybrid format at DeCA, on 23rd November. Sara Gonzalez Alvarez, who is a PhD student in Education at the University of Deusto, and a visiting researcher at DigiMedia, led this workshop with practical examples and clear explanations on how to adapt your work to an SPSS analysis.

This workshop was the first one of the Peer2Peer initiative, organized by NEDD, where PhD students conduct sessions and workshops to help other students.


 An Introduction to Statistics and SPSS workshop with Sara Gonzalez Alvarez will take place on 23rd November at 11am in and hibrid format – in the meeting room of building 21 or online.
Note: The workshop will be taught in Spanish, but it will be perfectly understandable to Portuguese speakers.
If you are interested in participanting, please fll in this form:
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