Sofia Ribeiro, a DigiMedia PhD student, delivered a fifty-hour accredited training course for 3rd Cycle and Secondary school teachers, as part of her doctoral research. The course entitled “Dig2Phy: Capacitação digital docente através da criação de recursos educativos tangíveis” was promoted by the Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas dos Concelhos de Aveiro e Albergaria-a-Velha (CFAECAAV), between the 9th October 2024 and the 15th January 2025. Teachers from schools in Aveiro, Murtosa e Oliveira Oliveira do Bairro attended the training.
The teacher training aimed to improve the digital competencies of teachers, namely training on how to plan, implement and share educational resources using the Dig2Phy platform (, multimedia copyright licenses, cybersecurity and the promotion of phygital pedagogical approaches in the teachers’ classrooms.
Sofia Ribeiro’s doctoral research is supervised by Professors Pedro Beça and Mónica Aresta (DigiMedia members), who also contributed to the preparation of this training course.