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A tender is hereby opened for the award of 1 (one) ResearchGrant (RG)under the project Polariscope: Platform for the Co-creation and Visualization of Collective Memories No. 2022.04424.PTDC of Digital Media and Interaction Research Centre, University of Aveiro, in association with the Nova University Lisbon.

The requirements and how to apply may be consulted here or here (Portuguese version).

DigiMedia, a research centre in Digital Media and Interaction, of the University of Aveiro, accepts applications from PhD researchers within the scope of the 7th Edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

 This call aims to support the hiring of PhD researchers at the beginning of their careers, for a period of 3 years, with a background in the broad area of ​​Digital Media who aim to develop their scientific research activity at DigiMedia, University of Aveiro.

The opening notice can be consulted here and applications must be submitted from September 30th to November 29th, 2024.

DigiMedia, as the host institution, is available to receive and assist researchers in preparing their applications, requesting them to fill this form.

After analyzing the proposals, DigiMedia will contact you. All information about the competition can be found here.

A call for the award of 10 PhD scholarships from the University of Aveiro, in all scientific areas in which the Research Units / Associated Laboratories of UA develop their activity, is opened until 16th January 2022.

More information available HERE.


A Universidade de Aveiro faz público que, de 17 de dezembro de 2021 a 16 de janeiro de 2022, se encontra aberto o concurso para atribuição de 10 bolsas de doutoramento da Universidade de Aveiro, em todas as áreas científicas em que as Unidades de Investigação / Laboratórios Associados da Universidade de Aveiro desenvolvem a sua atividade, as quais visam incrementar e reforçar a qualificação de recursos humanos.

Mais informação disponível AQUI.

For any questions please contact

The Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus (CEEC) – 5th Edition is open from February 3, 2022 until March 3, 2022.

This Individual Call is aimed at doctorates of any nationality or stateless persons with a background in any scientific area who wish to develop their scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal.

Applicants previously identify the host institution where they will develop their research plan. The selected doctorates are directly hired by the identified host institution , through FCT funding.

Applications are submitted electronically, in English, through the electronic platform to be made available soon.

More information is available HERE.

For questions please contact


O Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual (CEEC) – 5ª edição está aberto de 3 de fevereiro a 3 de março de 2022.

O Concurso Individual destina-se a doutorados de qualquer nacionalidade ou apátridas detentores de percurso em qualquer área científica que pretendam desenvolver a sua atividade de investigação científica ou desenvolvimento tecnológico em Portugal.

Os candidatos identificam previamente a instituição de acolhimento onde irão desenvolver o seu plano de investigação. Os doutorados selecionados são diretamente contratados pela instituição de acolhimento identificada, através de financiamento da FCT.

As candidaturas são submetidas eletronicamente, em língua inglesa, através da plataforma eletrónica a disponibilizar oportunamente.

Mais informação disponível AQUI.

Para qualquer questão contactar

Open call for one (1) Research Grant under the TRUE – Trustworthy news and Related content for a Unified writing Environment – a project under the ID (AAC 17/SI/2019), under the following conditions:

1. Scientific Area: Communication Sciences and Technologies

3. Admission Requirements: Applicants must hold a Master’s degree in Multimedia Communication, or related areas. Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences or related areas or enrolled in a Non-Degree Course of University of Aveiro. Applicants should have academic and/or professional experience in the area of responsive web application development. Experience in research projects with participation in the development of solutions based on front-end technologies such as ReactJS is valued, as well as abilities in the English language. Skills in carrying out application evaluation studies and data analysis are also valued.

5. Work plan:

It is intended, during the course of this fellowship, to carry out the following tasks:

  • Study existing solutions for the development of tools to support writing in Portuguese.
  • Develop a web writing support solution, considering the main entities you are writing about and showing sources of additional information about these entities.
  • Test and evaluate the solution developed with the project’s target audience (High School Students).

6. Applicable legislation and regulations: Statute of the Scientific Research Grant Holder, as amended by Decree-Law no. 123/2019, of August 28; Regulation of Scientific Research Grants of the University of Aveiro, Regulation no. 292/2020, published in Diário da República no. 61, Series II, of March 26 (; Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of August 16 (Legal regime of recognition of academic degrees and diplomas of higher education awarded by foreign higher education institutions).

7. Work place: The work will be carried out at the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro, in the DigiMedia laboratory, under the scientific supervision of Professor Telmo Eduardo Miranda Castelão da Silva.

8. Duration of the fellowship(s): The fellowship will have a duration of 12 months, starting in February 16, 2022, possibly renewable, not exceeding the maximum duration of the project.

9. Amount of the monthly maintenance allowance: The amount of the grant is €1,104.64, according to the table of monthly maintenance allowance values, set out in Annex III of the Scientific Research Grant Regulations of the University of Aveiro.

10. Selection methods: The selection methods to be used are:

(a) Curriculum evaluation (50%);

b) Interview (50%).

11. Composition of the Selection Board: Professor Telmo Eduardo Miranda Castelão da Silva (Chairman); Professor Jorge Trinidad Ferraz de Abreu (Effective Member); Professor Pedro Alexandre dos Santos Almeida (Effective Member); Professor Ana Margarida Pisco Almeida (Substitute Member); Carlos Manuel das Neves Santos (Substitute Member).

12. Application deadline and form of presentation of applications: The call is open from 7 to 20 of January of 2022 and only applications submitted within the deadline will be admitted.

The application should be formalized with the following documents: Cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, qualifications certificate and other supporting documents deemed relevant. You should also indicate the e-mail address to which, by that indication, you accept to be notified for all purposes within this procedure.

The application should be done by e-mail to

13. Form of publication/notification of results: The results of the evaluation shall be made public no later than 60 working days after the closing date for submission of applications and shall be notified to the applicants. The candidates are informed, in a prior hearing, under the terms established in the Code of Administrative Procedure, of the probable meaning of the final decision, and may, within 10 working days of this notification, express their opinion on this decision. The final results may be appealed to the Rector, to be submitted within 10 working days from the respective notification.

14. Tender duration: The final ranking list of candidates will be valid until 1 of April of 2022 for the purpose of constituting a reserve list for selection.

More information available here PT

Open call for one (1) Research Grant under the TRUE – Trustworthy news and Related content for a Unified writing Environment – a project under the ID (AAC 17/SI/2019), with financial support from Centro2020, Portugal 2020, under the following conditions:

1. Scientific Area: Communication Sciences and Technologies

2. Admission Requirements: Applicants must hold a Master’s degree in Multimedia and Communication, or related areas. Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences or related areas or enrolled in a Non-Degree Course of University of Aveiro. Applicants must hold a Master’s degree in the scientific area of Information and Communication Sciences or related areas.

3. Eligibility: Candidates who comply with the provisions of paragraph a) of no. 1 of article 2 of the Research Grant Holder Statute, as amended by Decree-Law no. 123/2019, of 28 August, and also the provisions of article 9 of the Scientific Research Grant Regulations of the University of Aveiro are eligible.

4. Work plan:

It is intended, during this scholarship, to perform the following tasks:

    • Study similar solutions of writing supporting.
    • Develop digital solution to support writing (based on web technologies), considering text main entities, and showing similar content fonts.
    • Test and evaluate the solution with the target audience.

5. Applicable legislation and regulations: Statute of the Scientific Research Grant Holder, as amended by Decree-Law no. 123/2019, of August 28; Regulation of Scientific Research Grants of the University of Aveiro, Regulation no. 292/2020, published in Diário da República no. 61, Series II, of March 26 (; Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of August 16 (Legal regime of recognition of academic degrees and diplomas of higher education awarded by foreign higher education institutions).

6. Work place: The work will be carried out at the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro, in the DigiMedia laboratory, under the scientific supervision of Professor Telmo Eduardo Miranda Castelão da Silva.

7. Duration of the fellowship(s): The fellowship will have a duration of 12 months, starting in January 2022, possibly renewable, not exceeding the maximum duration of the project.

8. Amount of the monthly maintenance allowance: The amount of the grant is €1,104.64, according to the table of monthly maintenance allowance values, set out in Annex III of the Scientific Research Grant Regulations of the University of Aveiro.

9. Selection methods: The selection methods to be used are:

(a) Curriculum evaluation (50%);

b) Interview (50%).

10. Composition of the Selection Board: Professor Telmo Eduardo Miranda Castelão da Silva (Chairman); Professor Jorge Trinidad Ferraz de Abreu (Effective Member); Professor Pedro Alexandre dos Santos Almeida (Effective Member); Professor Ana Margarida Pisco Almeida (Substitute Member); Carlos Manuel das Neves Santos (Substitute Member).

11. Application deadline and form of presentation of applications: The call is open from 13 to 27 of December of 2021 and only applications submitted within the deadline will be admitted.

The application should be formalized with the following documents: Cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, qualifications certificate and other supporting documents deemed relevant. You should also indicate the e-mail address to which, by that indication, you accept to be notified for all purposes within this procedure.

The application should be done by e-mail to

12. Form of publication/notification of results: The results of the evaluation shall be disclosed no later than 60 working days after the deadline for submission of applications by notifying the candidates. The candidates are informed, in a prior hearing, under the terms established in the Administrative Procedure Code, of the probable meaning of the final decision, and may, within 10 working days of this notification, comment on this decision. The final results may be appealed to the Rector, to be submitted within 10 working days of the respective notification.

13. Form of publication/notification of results: The results of the evaluation shall be made public no later than 60 working days after the closing date for submission of applications and shall be notified to the applicants. The candidates are informed, in a prior hearing, under the terms established in the Code of Administrative Procedure, of the probable meaning of the final decision, and may, within 10 working days of this notification, express their opinion on this decision. The final results may be appealed to the Rector, to be submitted within 10 working days from the respective notification.

14. Tender duration: The final ranking list of candidates will be valid until 1 of April of 2021 for the purpose of constituting a reserve list for selection.

More information available here EN | PT

A tender is hereby opened for the award of 1 (one) Research Grant (RG) in the scope of R&D project “EduCITY – Smart and sustainable cities with Augmented Reality mobile educational games made by and for the Citizens” (PTDC/CEDEDG/0197/2021), of the CIDTFF – Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers of the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Aveiro, under the following conditions:

1. Scientific Area: Sciences and Technologies of Communication.

2. Funding Source: Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P./MCTES, through national funds (OE).

3. Admission Requirements: Candidates must be a Graduate or Master in the field of Sciences and Technologies of Communication or related area and must meet one of the following conditions:
i) be a student enrolled in a Doctoral Program in the area of Sciences and Technologies of Communication or related area; or
ii) be enrolled in a course that does not confer an academic degree provided by the University of Aveiro; or
iii) meet the necessary conditions to enrol in a course that does not lead to an academic degree provided by the University of Aveiro.
Preference will be given to candidates with multimedia technical skills who do not have a Doctor’s degree.

4. Eligibility: Applicants are eligible if they comply with paragraph a) of no.1 of article 2, of the Research Fellow Statute as amended by Decree-Law no. 123/2019, of August 28th, as well as nos. 1 and 2 of article 6 of the Research Grant Regulations of the Foundation for Science and Technology. The RG(s) awarded to undergraduate or master students enrolled in courses that do not confer academic degree may only be granted to those who do not exceed, upon conclusion of the grant contract in question, including possible renewals, an accumulated period of two years in that type of grant, consecutive or interpolated, under the terms of no.5 of article 6 of the aforementioned Regulations.

5. Work plan: The work plan should contribute to the objectives of the EduCITY project ( and involves the tasks: to create and update the project website (for example through the use of a CMS); to develop multimedia content to include in the games (eg augmented reality, simulations, 3D animations, logo, mascot); to collaborate with the research team in the literature revision, in the data collection and analysis, and in the dissemination of the project.

8. Duration of the grant(s): The grant duration will be 12 months, starting in March 01st, 2022, and may be renewed for additional periods of 12 months, up to the maximum limit of approved funding (December 31st, 2024). If the selected person is Graduate or Master who is attending a course that does not lead to an academic degree or meets the necessary conditions to enroll in a course that does not lead to an academic degree, the scholarship will last for 12 months, scheduled to start on March 01st, 2022. In any case, the extension of the fellowship may not, under any circumstances, exceed the limits defined in nos. 3 and 4 of article 6, of Regulation no. 950/2019, of November 29th, published in Diário da República, no. 241, Series II, of December 16th (Research Grants Regulation of FCT, I.P.).

9. Amount of monthly maintenance allowance: The amount of the grant corresponds to €835.98 or €1,104.64, according to the profile of the selected candidate, and in accordance to the table of monthly maintenance allowance amounts set out in Annex I of Regulation no. 950/2019, subject to any updates that may be applicable, under the terms of no. 2 of article 18 of Regulation no. 950/2019, of November 29th, published in Diário da República, no. 241, Series II, of December 16th (Research Grants Regulation of FCT, I.P.). The fellow may also be reimbursed for the amount corresponding to the Voluntary Social Security, in case of adherence to this plan.

More information available HERE

A tender is hereby opened for the award of 1 (one) Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) in the scope of R&D project EduCITY – Smart and sustainable cities with Augmented Reality mobile educational games made by and for the Citizens” (PTDC/CED-EDG/0197/2021), of the CIDTFF – Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers of the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Aveiro, under the following conditions:

1. Scientific Area: Education Sciences.

2. Funding Source: Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P./MCTES, through national funds (OE).

3. Admission Requirements: Doctorate in Education, in Multimedia in Education or related area, with preference in previous research experience in the area of game-based learning and/or in the area of Internet of Things and/or in the area of Education for Sustainability.

4. Eligibility: Applicants are eligible if they comply with paragraph b) of nos.1 and 2 of article 2, of the Research Fellow Statute as amended by Decree-Law no. 123/2019, of August 28th, as well as in article 7 of the Research Grant Regulations of the Foundation for Science and Technology. PDFs can only be granted provided the following requirements are met cumulatively:
a) The doctorate has been obtained within the three years prior to the date of submission of the application for the grant;
b) The postdoctoral research is carried out in a host entity different from the entity where the research work leading to the doctoral degree was carried out;
c) the research activities do not require postdoctoral experience;
d) the research activities have a time frame for development and implementation of three years or less;
e) The fellow does not exceed, with the conclusion of the grant contract in question, including possible renewals, an accumulated period of three years in that type of grant, consecutive or interpolated.

5. Work plan: The work plan should contribute to the objectives of the EduCITY project
( and involves the tasks: to collect, analyze and keep up-to-date the bibliography related to the studied problematic; to support the design and testing of the mobile application using augmented reality and the game creation platform to be developed by an enterprise; to collaborate in the development of digital pedagogical guides about sustainability; to organize and participate in activities for different target audiences, including teacher training; to collaborate in the collection and analysis of research data; to collaborate in the preparation of scientific publications and of dissemination of the project to the community; and to support the writing of the project’s annual reports.

8. Duration of the grant(s): The grant duration will be 12 months, starting in March 01st, 2022, possibly renewable for additional periods of 12 months, up to the maximum funding approved (December 31st, 2024), and may under no circumstances exceed the limits defined in the Regulations for the type of grant in question, in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation No. 950/2019, of November 29th, published in the Diário da República, No. 241, Series II, of December 16th (FCT, I.P. Research Grants Regulation).

More information available HERE.

An international public notice is opened for recruitment in the form of a Uncertain Term Work Contract, under the Portuguese Labour Code, a position for a First Level Doctorate Researcher for the exercise of activities of scientific research in the scientific areas of Communication Sciences and Technologies, to exercise the functions of development, coordination, management and dissemination of research work, in the theoretical, applied and scientific dissemination dimensions, related to the use of virtual environments (metaverses) for the preservation of the cultural heritage of rural territories and promoting the involvement of users in activities of creation and exploration of cultural content, within the scope of the project LOCUS – Playful Connected Rural Territories: The Internet of Things in the intergenerational creative production of cultural georeferenced contents (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029228 / PTDC/COM-CSS/29228/2017), supported by the Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization, in its FEDER/FNR component, and the Foundation for Science and Technology, in its State Budget component (OE).

The monthly payment corresponds to 2134,73€.

Deadline for submission: 07/12/2021

More information available in:

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