Boas práticas de saúde pública no Instagram: Estudo comparado entre Portugal e Brasil was launched in an online Circle

The new book of the DigiMedia collection, Boas práticas de saúde pública no Instagram: Estudo comparado entre Portugal e Brasil, was launched last week, on 13th December, in an online Circle.

Ana Carla Amaro and Maria João Antunes, both reserachers at DigiMedia, presented the collection and the author, Pâmela Pinto, who is a Post-Doctoral researcher at DigiMedia.

Pâmela Pinto presented the book and then answered questions from the audience, who engaged in a fruitful discussion.

This new book is part of the DigiMedia Collection, which focus on the publication of works in the scientific area of Digital Media. Its goal is to contribute to the deepening of the different theoretical and methodological challenges of this area of knowledge.





Abstract of the book:

The main message of the book is to value the citizen as the center of the communication produced on health, anchored in the public interest and in the quest to broaden social participation. The guide has put together four axes of suggestions for producing content: on the approach – based on scientific knowledge and accessibility; on the use of images, with an emphasis on infographics; on the clarity of texts and on the importance of interaction with citizens and influencers. Strategies for planning and monitoring profiles are also presented. The research provided a critical reflection on health consumption on Instagram, a private platform based on commercial interests.

About the author:

Pâmela Pinto is currently conducting a Post-Doctoral research at the Department of Communication and Art (University of Aveiro), and her research interests are related to ‘communication and public health’, ‘institutional communication and social media’ , with emphasis on Instagram.

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