Best Practices Conference brought the Digital World closer to Active and Healthy Ageing

The Best Practices Conference – The Digital in the Promotion of Active and Healthy Ageing (lit. “Encontro de Boas Práticas – O Digital na Promoção do Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável) took place on December 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., in the Department of Communication and Art (DeCA), CCCI auditorium. This aimed to obtain a holistic view of good practices carried out by various institutions and projects, and to contribute to the construction of new technological products that promote active and healthy ageing.

Organized by researchers from the miOne project, DigiMedia, from DeCA of the University of Aveiro, in partnership with the Municipality of Ílhavo – Laboratório do Envelhecimento, this edition had the participation of 8 projects, 10 speakers, and about 140 registered participants.

In detail, the event began with the opening session that had the intervention of the Rector of the University of Aveiro, Professor Paulo Jorge Ferreira; the Mayor of Ílhavo, Engineer João Campolargo; the Director of the Department of Communication and Art, Prof. Dr. Ana Isabel Veloso; and the Coordination of the Research Unit – DigiMedia, in his representation, Prof. Dr. Carlos Santos.

Four panels comprised the discussion and debate moments of the Conference. The first panel included Sara Guerra from MOAI Labs, and Dina Soeiro, Carla Patrão, and Sílvia Parreiral from Teclas Prá Vida. In the panel dedicated to the projects that are at the genesis of this Conference, Ana Isabel Veloso and Francisco Regalado from the miOne and SEDUCE 2.0 projects, and Mariana Ramos from the Laboratório do Envelhecimento. Panel 2 received the testimonies of Flávia Machado from Actif and Nuno Marçal from Bibliomóvel de Proença-a-Nova. The third and last panel gave place to the presentations Ana Isabel Martins from SHAPES and Mónica Sousa from VirtuALL.

The event closed with two hands-on sessions focused on active and healthy ageing, where a workshop on the empathetic guide to design digital technology was conducted, ending with the creative design of digital solutions.

In conclusion, it was a day full of discussions, debates, and sharing of the best practices in an increasingly digital world for the promotion of active and healthy ageing. The participants and guests highlighted the warm reception they received, in addition to the diversity, richness and relevance of the topics addressed.

For more information on the Best Practices Conference – The Digital in the Promotion of Active and Healthy Ageing please visit

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