A notice for the award of a research grant in the scop of the project BLOCKCHAIN.PT – AGENDA PRR, is now opened.
More information here:
UAonline: https://www.ua.pt/pt/noticias/0/86486
A notice for the award of a research grant in the scop of the project BLOCKCHAIN.PT – AGENDA PRR, is now opened.
More information here:
UAonline: https://www.ua.pt/pt/noticias/0/86486
The project FlavourGame will be presented by Patrícia Oliveira, a DigiMedia researcher, in the program “Saúde à Mesa…e não só!”, within the scope of the exhibition “A saúde e a doença aos olhos das crianças”, on June 15, 2024.
This event is and initiative of Fábrica da Ciência Viva in collaboration with Centro Académico Egas Moniz Health Alliance (EMHA), in a consortium with the University of Aveiro and four Local Units of Health Care.
“Saúde à Mesa…e não só!” is the second edition of “Saúde à Mesa”, and comes as an opportunity to meet the enthusiasm for communicating topics in the area of Health, beyond the health eating themes.
The event is part of the presentation of project about Health Literacy, and will take place in the Fábrica da Ciência Viva, Aveiro.
More information here: https://www.ua.pt/pt/fabrica/saude-a-mesa-II
Jorge Ferraz Abreu and Ana Velhinho, members of the Permanent Scientific Committee of the DigiMedia Research Centre, will be the chairs of the session “UX Design and Evaluation of collaborative, participatory and/or social applications and services” at the 26TH International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (https://2024.hci.international/index.html).
The session, which includes 2 slots and 12 papers, will take place on 2nd July 2024, from 8am to 12:30am.
The program of the Conference: https://2024.hci.international/DUXU-program.html
Jorge Abreu, a DigiMedia researcher, visited the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Research Groups UVJIA – “Unitat d’Innovació em Videojocs i Intelligència Artificial” (https://ugivia.uib.es) and UGIVIA – Unidad de Gráficos y Visión por Ordenador”, of the Universitat Illes Baleares, Palma, Spain, between the 12th of April 2024 to the 18th of April 2024.
Jorge Abreu, who is the Coordinator of the Social iVX R&D group and Scientific Coordinator of the AlticeLabs@UA, organized two lectures, addressed to a group of postgraduation students and members of the Research Group UGIVIA and to students of the course – “Informática Gráfica”
These sessions’ topics were related to the research on Social and Interactive Viewing eXperiences as well as to the UX evaluation of iTV applications.
Furthermore, Jorge Abreu prepared and conducted a UX evaluation of the GeniusUP application (https://geniusup.uib.eu) developed by UIB.
Catarina Lélis, a researcher at DigiMedia, and coordinator of the Erasmus+ in the field of Science and Technology Communication, was in Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility in Trento, Italy, in April.
Catarina delivered a Seminar to the i3 Unit Augmented Intelligence Center researchers, at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler. She also led a workshop on the Impact Planning for students of the Master’s Degree in Human-Computer Interaction, at the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Trento.
This visit was also an opportunity to meet the two students who will come to Aveiro in mobility, in the next academic year, as well as to present the University of Aveiro and the DigiMedia Research Centre during different meetings with students, professors and researchers at the University of Trento.
A workshop on ‘Inclusion and digital technologies’, organized by the team of Espaço Inclui, and led by the DigiMedia researchers Francisca Lourenço, Rita Oliveira, and Oksana Tymoshchuk, was held on the 20th April 2024.
The session, attended by 16 postgraduate students in Special Education – Hearing and Deafness at the Piaget Institute, allowed participants to explore how digital technologies can promote Inclusion.
During the workshop, students explored various tools, digital platforms, and mobile apps that can be tailored to diverse learning needs.
The workshop concluded with a debate session, during which students shared their ideas and experiences and reflected on the potential advantages and challenges of using digital technologies in inclusive education.
The Digital Media Observatory—DigitalOBS is a specialized platform designed to observe and disseminate scientific insights into the media landscape within interconnected societies.
The DigitalOBS platform offers a range of valuable features, including:
– Comprehensive details on projects and doctoral theses developed within the DigiMedia Research Centre, showcasing inputs, outputs, and impacts in an engaging and interactive information visualization format and new global studies that will soon be presented;
– Reports and activities organized by DigitalOBS that are tailored to address contemporary themes and emerging trends in the field;
– Content encompassing diverse resources such as conferences, journals, global and thematic observatories, and complimentary tools, making it a rich repository for individuals interested in exploring the intricate world of digital media.
The DigitalOBS can be accessed on this website https://digitalobs.pt/
A seminar and a workshop on AI Tools Applied to Scientific Research, led by Professor Xabier Martínez-Rólan, from the University of Vigo, was held online on the 18th April.
This event took place in two moments. The seminar was an initiative of the Media Innovation Circle, that gave participants the opportunity to delve deeper into AI’s impact on our reality. Then, 14 participants attended a workshop, organized by the DigitalOBS team, that enhanced their understanding of how AI tools can be effectively used in scientific research, thereby elevating their potential for groundbreaking opportunities in this field.
The DigiMedia and DigitalOBS members agree that this event was a success and say they “ hope that all participants leave all the works feeling invigorated, inspired, and equipped with fresh knowledge that will serve as a solid foundation for constructing even more profound and meaningful connections in the future”. The team also mentions that “as a collective, we are dedicated to building a path toward scientific knowledge that is not only characterized by excellence but also defends principles of ethics and equity”.
The DigiMedia PhD Student Dalila Martins has recently been integrated as an embassador into the Women in Games organization.
Dalila says that being part of this community is an honour and states that “the inclusion of women in gaming is not just a matter of representation, but also of equity and justice”. The DigiMedia researcher also adds that “providing access to information, supporting communities, creating empowering environments for women so that they are not afraid of the challenges of such a competitive industry” are some of the goals that she intends to ensure are achieved.
Follow these links to learn more about this organization:
The DSAI conference dates have been changed to 13-15 November 2024 (dsai.ws/2024).
The Paper submission deadline is 15th May, 2024
To submit your original work to this special track, use the following link:
All accepted papers of the DSAI 2024 conference will be submitted for publishing to ACM and indexed by the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI, Web of Science™).
• May 15, 2024 – Paper Submission
• July 15, 2024 – Notification of Paper Acceptance
• July 30, 2024 – Registration and Camera-Ready Papers
More information on submissions can be found at: https://dsai.ws/2024/submissions
Special Track 1 – Accessible and Inclusive Smart Environments
Technology is strongly present all around us, not only in the devices we carry but also increasingly embedded in the environments where we work and live. These smart environments have the great potential of improving people’s lives, by enabling a more comfortable, secure, healthy, independent, and active living. However, challenges remain in ensuring that smart environments are truly usable, acceptable, accessible, and inclusive.
These challenges include providing accessible and adaptable interaction that considers the potentially diverse set of users (with different capabilities, needs, preferences, and emotions) and contexts of smart environments. There are also still challenges related to unobtrusive monitoring and support that allow certain groups of users (e.g., younger, older, people with a given impairment) to live in a more active, independent, or safe way.
In this context, the aim of this special track is to provide new perspectives in this field, by exchanging and discussing ideas and research in different topics relevant to DSAI that can bring valuable insights to address the accessibility and inclusiveness of smart environments.
These topics include, but are not limited to:
• Active, healthy, assisted living
• Human-centred computing
• Multimodal and adaptive interaction
• User and context awareness
• Intelligent user interfaces
• Extended reality
• Affective computing
• Assistive technologies
Intended Audience:
This special track is directed at researchers and practitioners who are interested in participating in the exchange and discussion of ideas, as well as contributing to the design, implementation, and assessment of novel innovative solutions for the next generations of smart environments.
DeCA, University of Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal